Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Race And Poverty Factor Into The Aging Process - 1103 Words
Race and poverty factor into the aging process in several ways. First, there is a growing number of minority older population in America (158). This growth will continue to rise in the future. As a result, the United States of America will have a diverse older population. Secondly, many older minority groups face disadvantages. These disadvantages are due to discrimination they have faced throughout their life. Furthermore, cultural and economic barriers can keep older minority people from a satisfying old age. Novak also stated, â€Å"Minority older people have lower incomes, poorer health, and shorter lives than other older people (160). Also, the people who are classified in the minority groups, experience aging different than the dominant white people do, due to their past. Lastly, the minority group members can teach us other ways of growing old. This means that they will show us how they grow old in their societies and communities. These minority groups have demonstrated stre ngth and stability in an ever changing world, even when they felt prejudice and discrimination from others. Poverty defintly factors into the aging process. According to Novak, â€Å"Research has found that early life experiences influence health in later life (103).†Therefore, low socioeconomic status can lead to destructive behavior. People with a low socioeconomic status tend to smoke, remain physically inactive, and abuse drugs and alcohol. Therefore, they face many health issues later on in life.Show MoreRelatedAn Interview With A Healthy, Non Institutionalized Elderly Latino1630 Words  | 7 PagesThe paper is based on an interview with a healthy, non-institutionalized elderly Latino man in relation to the current nursing techniques. The focus on this individual helps to investigate the relationship between the race/ethnicity, psychosocial characteristics and the United States nursing home utilization projections. Notably, focusing on the individual aged 65 years and above helps analyze the characteristics of the baby boom generation in its entrance to retirement age. Cons ideration of thisRead MoreWhat Is Domestic Violence?992 Words  | 4 Pagesare coming from areas where they had a lot of power due to their social location and subject position. Although their social location does not change, their subject position changes drastically as they enter Canadian society. This is where we see poverty lead to domestic violence, which can be seen in the study for example, where people’s husbands who have previous experience as engineers come here and their credentials are not legitimized. They are then unable to find work they are specialized inRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Work On The Elderly1684 Words  | 7 PagesThe practice of this that deal with the elderly had very little recognition until it was carried out by the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 (Jordan, 2005, pp. 43). Social work in Canadian seniors is that the aging can be attributed to the three factors that are stated which are the baby boom generation; a rise in couple’s delaying having families and high life expectancy. Statistics show that one in ten seniors is eighty five and over and most live in a household of their ownRead MoreAn Evaluation Will Be Deducted On The Health Inequalities Among Australians1689 Words  | 7 Pagesfoundation for an individuals’ state of health and wellbeing; stress – this can invariably due to psychological and social factors, and this can be damaging to the over-all health and wellbeing of a person; early causes i.e., teratogens. 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The chances for substance abuse are best understood when theRead MoreThe Sociological World : Functionalism, Conflict Theory, And Symbolic Interactionism978 Words  | 4 Pagesdetermined by your income, education level, occupation, the group of people you associate with and other things. There are three levels to social class: upper class, middle class, and lower class. Those that live in the lower class, struggle with poverty which can have detrimental effects on ones’ mental and physical health. Physical health issues can include high infancy rates, malnutrition as well as emotional stress (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 219). An individual can alter their social status by experiencingRead MoreThe Theory Of Crime : The Classical View960 Words  | 4 Pagestheories are that they explain wh y/how crime is started early in one’s life (psychodynamic), it explains the role of the meaningful people in their lives and how they affect the crime process (behavioral), and explains why behavior patterns change as people get older and have more ties to society â€Å"aging-out process†(Siegel, L., 2012)(Cognitive). Furthermore, a study conducted supports these theories by demonstrating that †inmates who view the world as cold and unjust and other people as objectsRead MoreLack Of Risk Of A Disease Based On Health Behaviors1442 Words  | 6 Pages Another component in the HBM is perceived susceptibility which is defined as one’s belief of risk of acquiring a disease based on health behaviors (Hayden, 2014). People believe that aging causes many chronic problems. Old people understand that body ache and limit ability to walk are part of the aging process. Often times, threat leads to positive changes in health behaviors to prevent and reduce health risks (Hayden, 2014). This is a result of HBM’s perceived susceptibility and seriousnessRead MoreEpidemiology HIV Paper1382 Words  | 6 Pageshealth include: Socio-economic and environmental factors: Education, power, wealth, gender equity and discrimination. Living and working conditions: Access to healthcare, quality of healthcare, housing conditions, job security and working conditions. Community networks: Relationships with family, friends , neighbors, partners, and other members of the individual s social and sexual network. Biology and genetics: Sex, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity. Various studies show evidence thatRead MoreThe Link Between Health and Socioeconomic, Environmental and Demographics Factors 1720 Words  | 7 Pagesstate of mental, physical and social well-being. Over the last decades, many studies have emphasized the role of social circumstances on health status. The tight link between health and a wide range of socioeconomic, environmental and demographics factors have been increasingly recognized and proffer an alternative perspective on how to consider public health, social justice and even restructuring of the health care system (Daniels et. al., 2004). The increasingly acknowledgement that health is also
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Brief Note On The Final Stages Of The Disease - 1314 Words
In the final stages of the disease, patients have problems eating, communicating with others, and controlling their bladder or bowels (Newton par. 16). There are a lot of social factors that are affected when a person has dementia. One example would be that the patient may forget simple words and replace them with something more inappropriate (Signs par. 4). Although there is a lot that is affected when a person has dementia, the patient still has some basic mental stability. Dementia patients may still hold onto long ago memories, concrete meanings, familiar words or feelings, desire to communication, read body language, experience acceptance, and express creativity (Bottum-Jones 4). The things that the patients know or remember might lessen as the disease continues on. Moods, personality, and the ability to communicate may be affected (Newton par. 2). Bridging is a term used to define the elderly and nurse bond and/or relationship (Ramage 1). The patient may connect with their nurse or caregiver visually, verbally, emotionally, or even spiritually (Snow 17). This nurse and/or caregiver will need to have a close bond in order for the patient to have a successful later life. The patient will rely on the caregiver to remember the things that the patient no longer can as the nurse will make sure that the patient is staying healthy and involved. The most successful way to get dementia patients involved is to get them to attend and perform activities near their living areas.Show MoreRelatedExercise and Tips for Healthy Living1554 Words  | 6 Pagestheir food. There are many unhealthy food choices that can develop weaknesses in muscles, add unnecessary fat, and allow for greater risk of dangerous diseases and sicknesses. Eating burgers or other food with a high cholesterol level can have negative impacts (i.e. diabetes), and the primary impact of this part of the e-book is to avoid diseases and control weight. Again, teenagers and adults are a bit unstable when it comes to eating fast food, junk food etc. However, by eating healthy and followingRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease ( Ad ) Essay1588 Words  | 7 PagesThis paper explores various elements and issues related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Topics briefly detailed include etiology, symptomology, diagnosis, neuroanatomy, neurotransmitter systems involved and trea tments that focus on neurotransmitters. Emphasis is placed on such topics as cognitive decline and dementia; neurological change; and changes to neurotransmitters and synapses. Details concerning diagnosis and treatment are brief, but do elaborate somewhat on present studies into addressing specificRead MoreThe Notebook Essay examples1596 Words  | 7 Pagesto his wife, who has Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a degenerative disease that affects a person’s memory. She has no recollection of him or their life together, or even her own children. She wrote the story of their love herself, so that when he read the story to her, she would come back to him. There are three things that I would like to discuss about this movie. First, I would like to discuss their stage of life and the theory that I believe describes their stage of life the best. Second, I wouldRead MoreGsm Based Heart Beat Monitoring And Alert System1169 Words  | 5 Pagesalerting messages in emergency si tuations, i.e. when a patient with cardiac problem is home alone or travelling somewhere. This system is designed in a way to send an alerting message to the dedicated mobile numbers saved in the GSM modem, with a brief note of patient’s current heart beat rate and appropriate location.The functioning of this device is based on the pressure wave get along the arteries with a velocity of few meters per second when the heart beats that is faster than the actual hear beatRead MoreTreating Hiv : A Life Destroying Disease1297 Words  | 6 PagesStevie Riggs Essay 2 Amcult 365 What To Know About Treating HIV HIV has been a life destroying disease since the early 1980s. Originally discovered in gay men, it was once thought to only effect homosexuals. Thankfully to great efforts on research and outbreaks in hemophiliacs, it is now associated with other social groups outside of the gay community. The risks of contracting this disease are still high among gay men, highly sexually active individuals (hetero-, homo-, and bi- sexual), intravenousRead MoreSexuality in the Victorian Era in Sarah Raul ´s In the Next Room 1558 Words  | 7 Pagessexual activities outside of the confinements of marriage. In the book, Sex Tips for Husbands and Wives from 1894, Victorian author Ruth Smythers, outlines the guideline on how women should endure sex. For instance she notes: 1. THE wise bride will permit a maximum of two brief sexual experiences weekly  and as time goes by she should make every effort to reduce this frequency. Feigned illness, sleepiness and headaches are among her best friends in this matter.†2. A WISE wife will make it herRead MoreLiterature Review of Mediation and Advocacy1698 Words  | 7 Pagesof Mediation and Advocacy Bobbie Cecchini University of Phoenix Literature Review of Mediation and Advocacy Literature Review of Mediation and Advocacy in Human Services Field. This paper will review the following three areas: The Final Exit Network, Crime Victims, , and Social Security Disability Advocacy. Additionally, we will explore the information which is available and links to mediation and advocacy to the human services field. This paper will discuss the strengths and weaknessesRead MoreThe Importance Of Patient Education For Nursing1616 Words  | 7 Pagesnursing students it is important to our career to develop skills in the process of teaching as well as developmental theories. To practice this teaching process, we conducted two interviews with a 19-year-old female currently in the early adulthood stage. Ghorbani, Soleimani, Zeinali and Davaji (2014) state that patient education has been shown to reduced anxiety of patients and improve the satisfaction of health care. Client education is also said to improve the quality of life, helps to reduceRead MoreThe, Open Window, And The Husband, By Kate Chopin1615 Words  | 7 Pagesto believe at the time; her fate, her husband is dead. Equally important, the author continues the fate of the main character, Mrs. Mallard, using the setting of the hour, and body of the story set alone in her room. The writer enacts the grieving stage of the character which can be one perception of Mrs. Mallard’s fate. In the passage, â€Å"She begins to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her and she was striving to beat it back with her will†. (57) This could imply events coming suchRead MoreThe Health Belief Model Essay1844 Words  | 8 Pagesauthor will relate back to Thomas in discussing this model and how it can be implemented, along with the nurses’ responsibilities in doing so. Next, the author will explain the Stages of Change Model and Motivational Interviewing, both of which assist practitioners in implementing the HBM with clients. Finally, there will be a brief discussion of some of the strengths and weaknesses of the model. Our example client, Thomas, is a recently unemployed man in his late 50s. He has recently been in contact
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Global Strategy Principles - Policies - and Practices
Question: Discuss about the Global Strategy for Principles, Policies, and Practices. Answer: Introduction: Bunning is one of the leading retailers of home furnishing as well as living products in Australia and New Zealand. The company is also major supplier to project builder (New Zealand Securities Commission, 2004). The organization is committed to good commitment governance, which could promote the long-term interests of shareholders and contributes to the board and management accountability. The company helps to build public trust in the firm. It is also observed that some responsible aspects are committed to promote the governance culture through a particular framework that is based on the ASX Corporate Governance. The business strategies of the firm determine the governance framework that is embedded in Trusts compliance plan to check the ethical behavior as well as transparency (Tricker, 2015). In order to expand the business, the firm has modified its corporate principles of governing the business. Bunnings has built an effective relationship with some responsible entity as well as West farmers. The responsible entity of the firm takes the stand of managing the affairs of the listed entity, which is known as BWP Trust. Therefore, in a response, the BWP trust pays a management fee to the responsible entity. Furthermore, it is also learnt that The Board of the responsible for dealing with the management arrangements between the entities and Trust Board (Fox, Walker Pekmezovic, 2012). The firm effectively follows this particular principle while controlling the operation. In addition to all these, the responsible entity should have to form a compliance committee considering the half of the dire ctors of the company. The respective persons are selected based on particular aspects. Thus, the firm performs the operations and gains competitive advantages from the market. Code of Conduct As discussed earlier, in order to conduct the operation, Bunnings has made some responsible entities. This helps the organization to have full control over its business. The responsible entity is supposed to follow and implement the code of conduct that includes minimum sustainable standards of behavior to assure the operation conducted by each employee is integrated. In addition, the implementation of these responsibilities has honesty, which could influence the productivity of the firm (Acharya, Gottschalg, Hahn Kehoe, 2013). Moreover, it is the responsibilities of each employee to comply with the ethics and code of conduct developed by the firm itself. Bunnings tends to maintain the maximum standards of corporate behavior as well as the accountability. The responsible entity is committed to act responsibly as well as ethically. The entity takes the responsibly to run the business in a manner that is largely sustainable. The personnel involved in the management or the managing directors deal with the extent to which, the material exposure of the Trust to economic, environmental and social responsibility risks are effectively dealt with. Hence, the Trust is supposed to follow and implement the sustainability principles. In addition to this, the key of Bunnings is the integrity of the employees. The employees working at Bunnings effectively follow and implement the code of conduct and organizational ethics. This code of conduct is developed for the wellbeing of the employees as well as the company considering the corporate principles that guide the business globally (Tricker, 2015). Reference list: Acharya, V. V., Gottschalg, O. F., Hahn, M., Kehoe, C. (2013). Corporate governance and value creation: Evidence from private equity.Review of Financial Studies,26(2), 368-402. Fox, M. A., Walker, G. R., Pekmezovic, A. (2012). Corporate governance research on New Zealand listed companies.Ariz. J. Int'l Comp. L.,29, 1. New Zealand Securities Commission. (2004). Corporate governance in New Zealand principles and guidelines: A handbook for directors, executives, and advisers.Wellington: New Zealand Securities Commission. Tricker, B. (2015).Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Right Field Essays - Political Philosophy, Political Ideologies
Right Field Right Field Many Americans today have totally differing views on the moral aspects of their societies. Politics has taken an aggressive role in determining what people see as right, what others see wrong, and what some people could care less about. Either way each individual has his or her own ideology. An ideology is a person's belief on the values of the government in which they are under. Four basic ideologies are liberalism, socialism, libertarianism, and the most ethical idea of them all--conservatism. Conservatism is the belief that government should have limited power and that citizens should have rights to private property and free enterprise. (Burns et al 246) Conservatism also encourages ideas such as pro-life and discourage ideas such as gun control, pornography, and homosexuality. Overall, conservatism is the most constructive and moral system of belief in America today. The other three ideologies, however, tend to lack the moral and ethical values which conservatism sustains. Liberalism views the government as the control center of America, leaving citizens with minimal power. Liberalism also, unlike conservatism, condones pro-choice, gun control, special rights for homosexual individuals, as well as a various array of other morally compromising ideas. In socialism, the government is believed to be the only power. Socialists want the government to totally support the citizens, which gives the citizens no choice of their own. This ideology is most commonly connected to the viewpoint that Karl Marx strongly believed in. Libertarianism, on the other hand, seeks extremely limited governmental power, thus proposing a hint of anarchism. Although each of these three other ideologies has some traits in common with conservatism, they all lack the ethics which conservatism possesses. Liberalism and conservatism are considered to be rivals because each ideology tends to deal with issues on opposing sides of the spectrum. Some people refer to liberalism as the left and conservatism, the right, because of this reason. Conservatism is also mainly linked to the Republican Party since the viewpoints of each have much in common. They both seek many of the same ethics that construct morals instead of ethics that compromise them. Another product of conservatism, the Christian Coalition, has taken an active part to advocate constructive morals in ideas such as putting prayer back into the public school systems, and placing stronger restrictions on pornography and gay rights. This demonstrates just how conservatism is the only moral, amendment abiding ideology that constructs the values of the American society and promotes a promising future for the environment in which they live. Bibliography Burns, James MacGregor, et al. Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Libertarianism. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 7th ed. Ed. Laurence Behrens. New York: Longman, 2000. 242-258. Social Issues
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Debrief Essays - Plan B Skateboards, Free Essays, Term Papers
Debrief Essays - Plan B Skateboards, Free Essays, Term Papers Debrief Reflect on the project and the way(s) in which you approached and completed it. Use the following prompts to assist your thinking. Strengths What was good about what I did? Which parts of my work was I really confident about? What went well and made me feel successful with this task? Weaknesses What didn't I do well? What didn't work about what I was trying to achieve and why? Is there anything I didn't consider that was a factor in me not being successful with parts of this task? In the part of representing our research, I think I organized all the information well into categories and dot points. The Design' part contains many information that we have thought of, even they are not in the final product. Our teamwork of our group during the Dream' and Design' phases were good and well-organized. The proposal is a really confident product of all three of us, we finished them not on time and full of information During the Dream' phase, there were not a lot of ideas with variety came out of us We underestimate the hardness of finding some actual tree seeds, that makes the prototype not as perfect as we want Some of the communication issue occur make the prototype not well (e.g. bag size) What are your overall thoughts on how your project went? What comment would you make about your actions throughout this assessment? Overall, I think my project went pretty well. At every stage, there were something that I felt struggled about, but I went through them and make them into something I was satisfied. During Discover' phase, I think there were too much information that we didn't actually use them later in the assessment. During the Dream' phase, the three members in my group were a little bit struggled with coming up original and doable ideas. But at the end we had an idea that all of us liked. Are you planning to follow through with this "plan" for JPC, even though the project for Geography is finished? If so, what are you thinking and what is the timeline for this? What else do you need to make this successful? Since we have email the head of primary school and she said she would pass our proposal to the leader team of Year 2, if the Year 2 leaders are interested in our proposal and have the willing to actualize this plan, we would like to follow through it. However, I think if we are going to do the plan, there are still things to adjust and discuss with the Year 2 leaders, for example the tree types and the following plan after giving out the seed bags. Do you think that this was a worthwhile experience for Year 10 students, particularly those studying Geography? Explain your answer. I think this is a worthwhile experience. Because it can make the Geography student get to know the issue deeper. And the fact that the students are trying to solve them by their own is a really good practice for students to develop a comprehensive thinking.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Electron Capture Definition
Electron Capture Definition Electron capture is a type of radioactive decay where the nucleus of an atom absorbs a K or L shell electron and converts a proton into a neutron. This process reduces the atomic number by 1 and emits gamma radiation or an x-ray and a neutrino.The decay scheme for electron capture is:ZXA e- → ZYA-1 ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ³whereZ is the atomic massA is atomic numberX is the parent elementY is daughter elemente- is an electronÃŽ ½ is a neutrinoÃŽ ³ is a gamma photon Also Known As: EC, K-capture (if K shell electron is captured), L-capture (if L shell electron is captured) Example Nitrogen-13 decays to Carbon-13 by electron capture.13N7 e- → 13C6 ÃŽ ½ ÃŽ ³ History Gian-Carlo Wick proposed the theory of electron capture in 1934. Luis Alvarez was the first to observe K-electron capture in the isotope vanadium-48. Alvarez reported his observation in Physical Review in 1937.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Personal & Professional Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Personal & Professional Development Plan - Essay Example In colleges and university phase, the individual is interested in the academic careers and growth, after graduation the need shifts towards becoming a successful professional in the business market (Megginson and Whiaker, 2007). This particular plan reflects upon my personal and professional development requirements and the skills needed to become successful in the personal and professional phase of life. The report discusses and how the individual plans to accomplish the tasks and goals of development for future growth perspective. Current Employment Sector I am a marketing graduate and my current employment is in an indoor manufacturing company. My designation is of a marketing assistant in the company. I have been employed in this organisation since 6 years. I have gained hands on experience in dealing with the marketing activities of the firm. I have the potential in dealing with international customers but unfortunately my current company does not many international customers an d so this area of expertise remains unexplored. One of my strengths is that I can represent my organisation well as being a marketing assistant I deal with many clients for the company and hence have developed good representation skills. I have a command on a number of languages such as English, Russian and Lithuanian. For marketing managers it is important to be well versed with the native language of the country where the marketing practices are being conducted and I have this skill. My current work tasks are include preparation of email shots, brochures, ringing up to costumers and asking if they are happy with our service, noting the feedback of customers, and working upon future plans upon how the marketing strategies for the organisation can be improved. I also at times handle part of the administration work in my organisation. My organisation basically follows the UK sales strategy and we are operating with this strategy to accomplish all our marketing goals. Future Career As pirations My career aspiration is focused towards attaining a challenging designation, specifically top managerial post, in the field of marketing. I aspire towards implementing the knowledge and skills attained during the degree program of marketing. I want to gain professional experience and growth in the areas of marketing management. I am a quick and ambitious learner and would love to gain guidance from the top management of any organisation. Experienced marketing professionals can provide valuable guidelines as to how things should be carried out. This guidance will help me to gain expertise and widen my knowledge horizon. For achieving the future career aspiration goals and objectives, I would need to undergo training and development sessions. By receiving training and development sessions, I would be receiving valuable guidance in improving my skills and also achieving my aims set for my professional career path. There are certain workshops and training sessions conducted on improving the marketing
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Marketing strategy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing strategy assignment - Essay Example Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market (Ferrell, 2012). It actualizes what the market really needs, the features desired, pricing, motivation to buy and distribution channels. These are important aspects in the decision making process. The research conducted on the market revealed that the market was eagerly waiting for the introduction of the new product mainly to be used in social places such as bars, restaurants and offices. Timing This is the second stage in the marketing process that ensures all elements in the marketing process are integrated. The production of the new product should be complete before it is a launched to avoid loss of sales and credibility in the product (Ferrell, 2012). There have been numerous cases in history where the marketing of a new product has failed owing to the fact that the product manufacturing lags behind the laun ch of the new product. This explains the reason why the company was not willing to take chances with the manufacture of the Toeopener that is why a number of units were produced before the product was launched. Capacity The company should ensure that it has the required resources in terms of inputs and personnel to keep up with the manufacturing process if the introduction of the Toeopener is successful. Testing The new product has to be tested in the market to ensure that its features are in line with the customers’ need (Ferrell, 2012). This is establishes whether the customers are willing and able to pay the set price. Additionally, it ensures that the distributors are comfortable to sell and market the product. Distribution The company... The company decided to come with a clear marketing process to ensure successful sales for the new product in the Canadian market. To begin with, there are various reasons why the introduction of a new product in the market.Marketing research is the first step in the introduction of a new product. Without the accurate market information, introduction of a new product is likely to fail. This step ensures that the company confirms the actual state of the consumer market.The new product in the market mainly targeted to be used in social places with frequent activity and a high number of visitors. The first segment that is targeted by the introduction of the product is homeowners who would like to have an easier time while opening doors in their homes. However, this may be the smallest segment, as most homeowners prefer opening and closing their doors normally. Bars are the second segment in the consumer market. This is because bars have high numbers of clients and the Toeopener makes ope ning the door efficient and easier for them. The third segment is the restaurant owners who find the device highly convenient since they also have a high number of clients. The Toeopener also minimizes the spread of germs across surfaces in the restaurants since no one gets to handle the doorknob or handle using their hands. The final segment of clients is offices that have a high number of visitors and a high level of activity. It is much easier for the workers to open the door while carrying a pile of files.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hamlet Quotations Act 1 Essay Example for Free
Hamlet Quotations Act 1 Essay Hamlet Quotations Act 1 INSTRUCTIONS:î€Æ' Forî€Æ'eachî€Æ'quote:î€Æ' (a)î€Æ'î€Æ'Identifyî€Æ'theî€Æ'speaker,î€Æ'toî€Æ'whomî€Æ'itî€Æ'isî€Æ'addressed,î€Æ'andî€Æ'theî€Æ'situation,î€Æ' (b)î€Æ'î€Æ'Explainî€Æ'(inî€Æ'detail)î€Æ'theî€Æ'significanceî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'quoteî€Æ'inî€Æ'termsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'allî€Æ'thatî€Æ'apply:î€Æ'î€Æ'themes,î€Æ'characterî€Æ'revelation,î€Æ'plotî€Æ' development,î€Æ'dramaticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(irony,î€Æ'foreshadowing†¦),î€Æ'poeticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(simile,î€Æ'metaphor,î€Æ'alliteration†¦),î€Æ'etc.î€Æ' (c)î€Æ'î€Æ'Uploadî€Æ'toî€Æ'turnitin.comî€Æ' EXAMPLE:î€Æ' â€Å"Thisî€Æ'bodesî€Æ'someî€Æ'strangeî€Æ'eruptionî€Æ'toî€Æ'ourî€Æ'state.†î€Æ' (a)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'speakingî€Æ'toî€Æ'Marcellusà ¾Ã®â‚¬Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'referringî€Æ'toî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.î€Æ'thatî€Æ'theyî€Æ'haveî€Æ'justî€Æ'witnessed.î€Æ'î€Æ' (b)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'believesî€Æ'thatî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'isî€Æ'appearingî€Æ'becauseî€Æ'foulî€Æ'playî€Æ'wasî€Æ'involvedî€Æ'withî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.’sî€Æ'death.î€Æ'î€Æ'Heî€Æ'isî€Æ'notî€Æ'positiveî€Æ' aboutî€Æ'it,î€Æ'butî€Æ'heî€Æ'knowsî€Æ'thatî€Æ'somethingî€Æ'â€Å"strange†î€Æ'isî€Æ'happening.î€Æ'î€Æ'Thisî€Æ'eventî€Æ'putsî€Æ'theî€Æ'actionî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'playî€Æ'inî€Æ'motionî€Æ'(plotî€Æ' development).î€Æ'î€Æ'Also,î€Æ'theî€Æ'commentî€Æ'foreshadowsî€Æ'theî€Æ'impendingî€Æ'doomî€Æ'thatî€Æ'Denmarkî€Æ'mayî€Æ'beî€Æ'facing.î€Æ' 1.î€Æ' â€Å"Aî€Æ'littleî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kin,î€Æ'andî€Æ'lessî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kind.†î€Æ' 2.î€Æ' â€Å"Weî€Æ'prayî€Æ'youî€Æ'throwî€Æ'toî€Æ'earthî€Æ'thisî€Æ'unprevailingî€Æ'woe,î€Æ'andî€Æ'thinkî€Æ'ofî€Æ'usî€Æ'asî€Æ'aî€Æ'father†¦Ã¢â‚¬ î€Æ' 3.î€Æ' â€Å"Oî€Æ'thatî€Æ'thisî€Æ'tooî€Æ'tooî€Æ'sulliedî€Æ'fleshî€Æ'wouldî€Æ'melt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ î€Æ' 4.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Frailty,î€Æ'thyî€Æ'nameî€Æ'isî€Æ'woman†¦Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'wickedî€Æ'speed!î€Æ'Toî€Æ'postî€Æ'withî€Æ'suchî€Æ'dexterityî€Æ'toî€Æ'incestuousî€Æ'sheets!†î€Æ' â€Å"Doî€Æ'notî€Æ'asî€Æ'someî€Æ'ungraciousî€Æ'pastorsî€Æ'do,î€Æ'showî€Æ'meî€Æ'theî€Æ'steepî€Æ'andî€Æ'thornyî€Æ'wayî€Æ'toî€Æ'heaven,î€Æ'whileî€Æ'likeî€Æ'aî€Æ'puff’dî€Æ' andî€Æ'recklessî€Æ'libertineî€Æ'himselfî€Æ'theî€Æ'primroseî€Æ'pathî€Æ'ofî€Æ'dallianceî€Æ'treads†¦Ã¢â‚¬ î€Æ' 6.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Thisî€Æ'aboveî€Æ'all:î€Æ'toî€Æ'thineî€Æ'ownî€Æ'selfî€Æ'beî€Æ'true†¦Ã¢â‚¬ î€Æ' 7.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Whenî€Æ'theî€Æ'bloodî€Æ'burns,î€Æ'howî€Æ'prodigalî€Æ'theî€Æ'soulî€Æ'lendsî€Æ'theî€Æ'tongueî€Æ'vows.†î€Æ' 8.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'dramî€Æ'ofî€Æ'evilî€Æ'dothî€Æ'allî€Æ'theî€Æ'nobleî€Æ'substanceî€Æ'î€Æ'oftenî€Æ'doutî€Æ'toî€Æ'hisî€Æ'ownî€Æ'scandal.†î€Æ' 9.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Somethingî€Æ'isî€Æ'rottenî€Æ'inî€Æ'theî€Æ'stateî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Denmark.†î€Æ' 10.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Revengeî€Æ'hisî€Æ'foulî€Æ'andî€Æ'mostî€Æ'unnaturalî€Æ'murder.†î€Æ' 11.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Hasteî€Æ'meî€Æ'toî€Æ'know’t,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'withî€Æ'wingsî€Æ'asî€Æ'swiftî€Æ'asî€Æ'meditationî€Æ'orî€Æ'theî€Æ'thoughtsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'loveî€Æ'mayî€Æ'sweepî€Æ'toî€Æ'myî€Æ'revenge.†î€Æ' 12.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'serpentî€Æ'thatî€Æ'didî€Æ'stingî€Æ'yourî€Æ'father’sî€Æ'lifeî€Æ'nowî€Æ'wearsî€Æ'hisî€Æ'crown.††¦Ã¢â‚¬ Oî€Æ'myî€Æ'propheticî€Æ'soul!î€Æ'Myî€Æ'uncle!†î€Æ' 13.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'perniciousî€Æ'woman!î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'villain,î€Æ'villain,î€Æ'smilingî€Æ'damnedî€Æ'villain!†¦Thatî€Æ'oneî€Æ'mayî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'beî€Æ'aî€Æ' villain.†î€Æ' 14.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Thereî€Æ'areî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thingsî€Æ'inî€Æ'heavenî€Æ'andî€Æ'earth,î€Æ'†¦Thanî€Æ'areî€Æ'dreamtî€Æ'ofî€Æ'inî€Æ'yourî€Æ'philosophy.†î€Æ' 15.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'timeî€Æ'isî€Æ'outî€Æ'ofî€Æ'joint.î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'cursedî€Æ'spite,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'wasî€Æ'bornî€Æ'toî€Æ'setî€Æ'itî€Æ'right.†î€Æ'
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Rate of Reaction :: Papers
Rate of Reaction Aim: To watch and keep record of the effects of a change in concentration on the rate of reaction. Word equation: Hydrochloric Acid + sodium thiosulphate ÃÆ'Â Sulphur dioxide + Sodium Chloride + water 2HCl + Na2S203 ÃÆ'Â 2Na + SO2 + H2O Plan: In this experiment I will be testing the rate of reaction of Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Thiosulphate. The rate of reaction tells us how quickly a reaction happens, so I will increase the concentration of the hydrochloric acid each time I do the experiment, adding ÂÂ ¼ of distilled water to 2 molars of the acid therefore providing us with the concentrations 2, 1.5,1,0.5 and finally 0 to react with the acid. I will do a pretest first to see if the amounts of acid and Sodium Thiosulphate work and to see if there won't be any anomalous results. Equipment: Diagram of equipment: 2x beaker 4x conical flask 2x measuring cylinders Funnel X board Stopwatch Prediction: I predict that each time we increase the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid the amount of time it will take to react will decrease because the stronger the acidity the quicker it will react with the Sodium Thiosulphate as the more concentrated the acid solution the more successful collisions occur. The rate of reaction is how quickly the reaction happens and a reaction happens because of collisions between the reactants. [IMAGE] Concentration: this is the factor I'm going to study I will use the concentrations 0mol, 0.5mol, 1mol, 1.5mol and 2mol. Temperature: This has big effects on the rate of reaction because the hotter the reactants are the faster they react, this is because the molecules of the reactants move around more and faster so collide more often and quicker, as they collide they react, therefore as according to the collision theory the reaction is sped up. Catalysts: catalysts lower the activation energy of a reaction so with
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Defnition Of Childhood Essay
Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence.[1] According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, childhood consists of two stages: preoperational stage and concrete operational stage. In developmental psychology, childhood is divided up into the developmental stages of toddlerhood (learning to walk), early childhood (play age), middle childhood (school age), and adolescence (puberty through post-puberty). Various childhood factors could affect a person’s attitude formation.[1] Age ranges of childhood[edit source | editbeta] The term childhood is non-specific and can imply a varying range of years in human development. Developmentally and biologically, it refers to the period between infancy and adulthood. In common terms, childhood is considered to start from birth. Some consider that childhood, as a concept of play and innocence, ends at adolescence. In the legal systems of many countries, there is an age of majority when childhood officially ends and a person legally becomes an adult. The age ranges anywhere from 15 to 21, with 18 being the most common. Developmental stages of childhood[edit source | editbeta] Early childhood[edit source | editbeta] Early childhood follows the infancy stage and begins with toddlerhood when the child begins speaking or taking steps independently. While toddlerhood ends around age three when the child becomes less dependent on parental assistance for basic needs, early childhood continues approximately through years seven or eight. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, early childhood spans the human life from birth to age eight. At this stage children are learning through observing, experimenting and communicating with others. Middle childhood[edit source | editbeta] Main articles: Child and Preadolescence Middle childhood begins at around age seven or eight, approximating primary school age and ends around puberty, which typically marks the beginning of adolescence. In this period, children are attending school, thus developing socially and mentally. They are at a stage where they make new friends and gain new skills, which will enable them to become more independent and enhance their individuality.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How to establish the communication Essay
Everyone has different needs and styles in which they communicate. There are also many different ways in which we may establish these communication needs, wishes and preferences. A good way to begin to understand a patient’s needs, wishes and preferences is to read their notes and history’s to see if this contains any relevant information. For example, if I read that a patient has hearing problems, I would then know to make sure that I speak to the patient clearly and slowly and look at them so they can read my lips. Other ways to establish communication needs, wishes and preferences is by interacting with the patient and through conversation I learn how to best communicate with the patient. It is also important to remember to be clear and concise in all forms of communication, especially when working with people with learning disabilities, where they might get confused if I speak too quickly or use too complex language. It may benefit, if this is the case, to use your body language to help explain what you are trying to say and to emphasise the tone of the conversation. Also, pictures can be used to help the patient and myself understand. For example, one of my patients uses cards that display what emotions they are feeling, they will use these to communicate how they are feeling. In the past, I have worked with a patient who is deaf. For me to establish what her needs were, I first spoke to the nurse in charge and they informed me she was deaf, however, could sign or write things down. As I could not sign, our preferred form of communication was writing, which after spending time together worked quite well.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
John rawls fairness as justice essays
John rawls fairness as justice essays John Rawls believes that fairness and justice should not be seen as the same, but that fairness is a major concept of justice. He focuses attention on justice as a virtue of social institutions. He does not look to particular actions or of persons, but to practices. Rawls states that justice is just part of the vision of a good society. His take on justice can account for the aspects of the utilitarian view of justice which can sometimes be misleading. Rawls conception of justice can be broken down into two principles. The first idea in his conception of justice is the liberty principle. It states that each person participating in a practice has equal rights and liberties. This means that everyone should be treated equally and given the same rights. The liberty principle applies very much to the legal systems and giving citizens of a practice basic freedoms. The second idea for his conception is the difference principle. This principle makes up for the inequalities that can occur concerning wealth and social positions. Differences are only justifiable if they work out to the advantage of everyone, and the positions are available for all to achieve. Inequalities cannot be justified if some benefited while people at the bottom did not, this instead would be justice as utilitarianism if those at the top were the majority. After setting the initial principles, Rawls makes note that people of a practice are going to be self interested. He does believe, however, that justice can still be built if those people are rational when establishing liberties and rules. Rationality can be achieved with a veil of ignorance. Somehow people should be blind to their status in a society, when making claims for justice. The first method of creating a just society is to allow the participants to voice their complaints or liberties that they feel are principles which they wish to be bound to in future occasions. With e...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Describing Sizes and Dimensions in Spanish
Describing Sizes and Dimensions in Spanish Here are three common ways to express measurements in Spanish. Deciding which ones to use is largely a matter of personal preference since they are interchangeable in most cases. 1. Medir  This verb, which is conjugated irregularly, generally means to measure. Examples: Mido cinco pies y cinco pulgadas de alto. (I measure 5 feet, 5 inches tall.) Los cientà ficos hallaron un fà ³sil que mide dos metros de largo. (The scientists found a fossil that measures two meters long.) 2. Tiene This verb literally means to have. It can be used to directly indicate dimensions. It also is conjugated irregularly. Examples: El centro comercial tiene tres kilà ³metros de largo. (The commercial center is three kilometers long.) Si antes tenà a cinco metros de profundidad, ahora tiene dos. (If it was five meters deep before, its now two meters.) 3. Ser de This is the rough equivalent of saying in English that something is a certain size. Note the use of the preposition de, which is not translated to English. This method of describing dimensions is less common than the other two. Examples: El rea es de 160 metros cuadrados. (The area is 160 square meters.) Las dimensiones del nuevo almacà ©n son de 25 por 70 metros, y la altura es de ocho metros. (The horizontal dimensions of the new warehouse are 25 by 70 meters, and its height is 8 meters.)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Grouch Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Grouch - Personal Statement Example I am not one of them. Grouchiness is its own reward, and often times it can also give a person a distinct strategic advantage in any given situation. The Grouch is a cruel master who has the capacity to take charge and ensure that things are done right. Simply put, people respond to anger. An angry person can motivate others to attain new levels of achievement. In today's economy, not a single company can afford to lose a customer. If you spend money, then you are in a buyer's market for an exceptional level of service. No one wants to see a client walk away in a bad mood. I was on the phone the other day trying to get some support for a computer program that was not functioning properly. Just the slightest edge of Grouchy frustration in my voice elicited many apologies from by service representative. In just a few minutes I got more than enough help to solve all of technological woes. When I received the email feedback form inquiring about my experience, the Grouch in me checked the "dissatisfied" box on every question. For some reason, it was important to me to show these executives who is boss. Sometimes anger is justifiable in itself with no apparent practical purpose. I was driving in my car today and some lady cuts right in front of me and then slows down. Before I know it, I have to jam on my brakes just to keep from hitting her. Sure I could have kept my mouth shut and driven around her, but it was so much more fun to burst into a rage and start shouting at the other car. "What are you doing Why did you cut in front of me" No one could hear what I was saying of course because my car windows were rolled up. It was exciting none-the-less to engage in such an outburst. The afterglow of a Grouchy temper tantrum is an experience worth savoring. It doesn't really matter if there was a crime committed or not. The Grouch is happy enough to treat every minor infraction as a potentially life-threatening violation. There are personal benefits to being a Grouch. After a rampage, one is left with the not-so-subtle feeling of superiority. It wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say that being a Grouch is similar to being a drug addict. Both behaviors cause a physiological change in the body. Endorphins are released and they bind to receptors on neurons of the brain resulting in a sensation of euphoria. A cascade of internal chemical events gives you the rush you've been craving without the messiness or inconvenience of actually having to "shoot up". Without a doubt rage is an addictive behavior, perhaps even more addictive than a chemical dependency. I do not know if there are 12-step recovery groups for Grouches (rage-a-holics anonymous, perhaps) but there is a definite need for them. Being a Grouch can be hard work sometimes. It is a complex task that engages a variety of emotions, not just anger. For example, in order to get to that place of becoming properly incensed there are some prerequisites. First you have to develop a taste for righteous indignation. Taking offense at another person's behavior is key to developing a good rage. That is the trigger which gets the ball rolling. The process starts when I am standing innocently by myself, and then someone comes along and disturbs me in some small way. You have to believe that you are an innocent victim in order to be a Grouch. The first rule of victimhood is to deny all
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Human Resource Management in Appar8us Case Study
Human Resource Management in Appar8us - Case Study Example The human resources manager wants to integrate the human resources policies and practice around the number of subsidiaries in different countries in order to achieve the corporate objective. Moreover IHRM consists of many functions, it is heterogeneous, involves constantly changing perspective, it requires more involvement in employee's personal lives and is also influenced by external sources. The International HR manager have to deal with the issue of international taxation, administrative services for expatriate's i.e. to have Selecting, training and appraising local and international employees. The HQ based HR manager deals with employees that have different cultural background. "The HQ manager must coordinate policies and procedures to manage expatriates from the firm's home country (parent country nationals, PNCs), host-country nationals (HCNs), as well as third country nationals (TCNs, e.g. a French manager working for an American MNC in the firm's Nigerian subsidiary) in subs idiaries around the world." (Manage Wise: International Human Resource Management). "The IHRM developed by Taylor and Beechler and Napier who argues that multinational competitive position is shaped by the organizational competencies that it possesses and how the firm transfers these across the nation." (Almond & Ferner 2006, P.225). The main purpose of IHRM is to have efficiency, locally responsive, being capable to transfer knowledge and learning across globally. The Appar8us is having a high control over subsidiaries having thorough use of expatriate manager in technical and managerial area of the business. A strong Appar8us culture is reinforced by regular staff bulletins and local company magazines in the language of the subsidiary company country. The Perlmutter's EPG model says that senior management of an international organization want to hold three primary functions such as Ethnocentric, Polycentric, Geocentric in building and expanding multinational capabilities. "Organizations are building IHRM functions that are shifting from the management of expatriation towards supplementary services to the business aimed at facilitating the globalisation process, and this involves capitalising upon the fragmentation of international employees." (Sparrow 2006). 2 Appar8us have strong control over the subsidiaries by way of expatriate manager in area of both technical and managerial area of business. The manger's opinion is to keep the union influence as little as possible .Also the company has introduced various schemes available for all
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Community Empowerment and Motivation to Healthcare in an Acute Care Se Essay - 13
Community Empowerment and Motivation to Healthcare in an Acute Care Setting - Essay Example Motivation, however, involves triggering interest for application of developed potentials. Healthcare based empowerment and motivation within communities, therefore, involves facilitating self-reliance in improving health standards through prevention of diseases and infections without the direct involvement of care personnel. This aids self-care that, according to World Health Organization, is people’s potential, at either personal or communal level, to improve health standards, â€Å"prevent disease, and maintain health, and cope with illness and disability†without input from care personnel (Barlow, n.d., p. 1). Such empowerment and motivation are essential in the scope of acute care that majorly involves injuries and injury-related complications such as central nervous system and cerebrovascular accident complications, and â€Å"respiratory diseases,†â€Å"head injury,†â€Å"hemorrhage,†(Asha, 2013, p. 1). Community empowerment and motivation is an essential need that requires attention in acute care because of its preventive measure and its importance in providing emergency care in absence of care personnel. Its involved awareness and development of strengths for care initiatives ensure communities’ ability prevent the need for acute care and ability to meet rising health care needs. Consequently, the need ensures a healthy society regardless of the scarcity of health care facilities and personnel. It also means that community empowerment and motivation will relieve pressure on care facilities and promote efficiency in acute care services (See, 2007). My developed knowledge from the Doctor of Nursing Practice has diversified potentials to contribute to a nursing professional organization. My most significant contribution could be in the field of nursing research in which I could investigate aspects of self-care in an acute care setting. My research could explore people’s behavior and actions, and their possible effects on health.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient
Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient TITLE: Scrotal PNET in an Adult Patient: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. AUTHORS: M ª Gabriela Tirapu-de-Sagrario, Sandra Baleato-Gonzà ¡lez, Elena Pintos-Martà nez and Roberto Garcà a-Figueiras KEY WORDS: Neuroectodermal Tumors, Scrotum, Sarcoma, Groin, Inguinal Canal INTRODUCTION We report a, histologically confirmed, rare case of a peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET) originating from the scrotal sac in an adult patient. This report emphasizes the important role of pathology examination to reach final diagnosis on the basis of immunohistochemistry and electronic microscopy findings. Outcome depends upon the localization and staging of the tumour, age of the patient, histologic classification, extent of surgical resection and time to treatment. CASE REPORT An 84-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with an inguinoscrotal, irreducible, painless mass with a hard consistency, which had progressed over the last six months. There was no presence of urinary or intestinal symptoms. Alpha-Fetoprotein, beta-HCG and LDH values were found to be normal. The patient was subsequently referred to the Urology Departament and he underwent a pelvic MRI. It confirmed a 12x11x19 cm solid mass, which demonstrated central areas of necrosis and subtle amounts of haemorrhage (Figure 1). This mass demonstrated marked and heterogeneous enhancement after intravenous gadolinium administration as well as evidence of internal vascular flow. Both testes showed a normal morphology and signal on T2-weighted sequences (Figure 1). Surgical excision was performed by the Urology Service and they reported that the spermatic cord, femoral vessels and testes were displaced but not infiltrated by the mass (Figure 2A). Despite the fact that a sarcoma was the suggested dia gnosis on imaging, this case exhibited microscopic pathology features of a rare pPNET tumor in an unexpected location. The presence of neurosecretory granules in the electron microscopy (Figure 3) and the EWS-FLI1 traslocation confirmed the diagnosis. DISCUSSION pPNET is an uncommon tumor that belongs to the Ewing’s Sarcoma family of tumors (1-4). It is an aggressive neoplasm, with large size at presentation, which metastasizes rapidly and predominantly affects children and adolescents (1,3,5).The most common locations are: the chest wall, paraspinal area in the chest, abdomen and pelvis (7,8). Ellinger J, et al (1), performed a MEDLINE search identifying renal, bladder, prostate, ureter and seminal cord PNETs, Hari S et al (3) and Kim MS et al (9) also described kidney and retroperitoneum cases and even an uterus case was described by Peres E et al (10) but, to our knowledge, this is the first pPNET case which originated in the scrotal sac, independent of any organ. This tumor is extremely rare in adults and the clinical findings (large painful mass) do not help to distinguish a benign from a malignant tumor (11). At the presentation most of them grow as scrotal masses rather than inguinal masses because they usually originate just b elow the external inguinal ring (12). PNET tumor shows no specific imaging features, but radiological studies are useful to rule out other possible etiologies, to define the location of the tumor and its morphological characteristics as well as its distance extension (1,3,4). In order to diagnose PNET, and differentiate it from other tumors of the Ewing family, we need to demonstrate the expression of some neural markers on the inmunohistochemical stains, including neurofilament, NSE, Leu-7, vimentin, S-100, CD-56, chromogranin and synaptophysin (2). A definitive finding is the EWS-FLI1 traslocation and the presence of neurosecretory granules in electron microscopy (7,8). In conclusion, we present a histologically confirmed case of an extratesticular peripheral scrotal PNET, which possibly originated from a remnant of neuroectodermic cells of the neural crest. In a case like this one, with a huge genital mass, ultrasound and MRI are very useful modalities to assess the location of the mass, its dependency on any other organ and the tumoral internal structure. These will help us to suggest a possible differential diagnosis however the definitive diagnosis requires histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. REFERENCES Ellinger J, Bastian PJ, Hauser S, et al. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor: Rare, highly aggressive differential diagnosis in Urologic Malignancies. J Urol 2006; 68(2):257-262 Gurung P,Attar K andPeters J. Primitive neuroectodermal tumorof thespermatic cord. Int J Urol.2010 Jul;17(7):679-80. Hari S,Jain TP,Thulkar S, et al. Imagingfeaturesofperipheral primitive neuroectodermal tumours. Br J Radiol.2008 Dec;81(972):975-83. 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Radiologic Findings of Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor Arising in the Retroperitoneum. AJR. 2006; 186:1125-1132. Peres E, Mattoo TK, Poulik J, et al. Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) of the Uterus in a Renal Allograft Patient: A Case Report. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2005;44:283-285. Lioe TF and Biggart JD. Tumours of the Spermatic Cord and Paratesticular Tissue. A Clinicopathological Study. British Journal of Urology. 1993; 71:600-606 Rodrà guez D and Olumi AF. Management of spermatic cord tumors: a rare urologic malignancy. Ther Av Urol. 2012: 4(6): 325-334 FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1 A) Axial T2 TSE shows a large heterogenous inguinoscrotal mass that displaces the penis (void arrows) but apparently not infiltrates it. B) Axial T1 after intravenous contrast Maximum relative enhancement. It shows central hypoperfusion (black arrows), which is hyperintense on T2 sequences, probably due to necrosis or hemorrhage, and a solid hypervascularized periphery (white arrows). Figure 2 A) Surgical photograph shows the spermatic cord (white arrows), which is displaced but not affected by the large mass. B) A long axis section of the mass. Its observed an heterogenous tumor of mottled appearance with partially embossed, clear brownish areas, which are the solid ones (black asterisks). It also has extensive necrotic and hemorrhagic component (white asterisks). Figure 3 Electronic Microscopy. The presence of neuroendocrine granules (white circles) of various sizes (from 80 to 120 nm) in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells is confirmed. This finding demonstrates the neuroendocrine differentiation of the neuroectodermal tumor.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement at Cottam :: Medieval Archaeology Essays
Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian Settlement at Cottam Excavation of the Anglian and Anglo-Scandinavian settlement at Cottam B (NGR 49754667) continued in July 1995, directed by Dr J.D. Richards for the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Work focused on a possible 10th-century settlement focus, c.200m NE of the 8th/9th-century site investigated in 1993. Two Norse bells, a 10th-century spearhead and a Jellinge-style brooch had been recovered from this area by metal-detector users, and field-walking had yielded Torksey-type ware sherds. Aerial photographs showed very few crop-marks in this area, although a magnetometer survey was conducted in Spring 1995 and revealed several ditched enclosures either side of droveways. The purpose of the 1995 excavation was to: - evaluate the survival of evidence in this area and investigate the reasons for the lack of crop-marks; - test the theory that this site represented a localised settlement shift from the SW; - characterise the nature of settlement in this area. A trench 20 x 100m was cut across the entrance, a central trackway, and parts of at least two enclosures. This revealed a massive ditched entranceway with an internal rampart and substantial wooden gate structure. At this point the ditch was at least 1.5m deep by 2.5m wide with a rampart behind it, although elsewhere the trackways and enclosures were defined by shallow ditches, less than 0.5m in depth. It appears that the main purpose of the entrance was for display rather than defensive purposes. Traces of several post-built structures were discovered within the enclosures, although truncation by ploughing had removed all occupation deposits and continues to make it difficult to define coherent building plans. The lack of crop-marks was demonstrated to be the result of the shallow nature of most of the features, many less than 0.1m deep, making them visible to magnetometry but not affecting crop growth. Several structural features were identified however, including a possible quarry pit and several industrial features which yielded large quantities of fuel ash slag. The finds recovered included two late strap-ends, one conveniently from a post-hole, as well as a number of dress pins, and a finger ring decorated with ring and dot ornament. The pottery, including York-, Torksey- and Maxey-type wares, attests to a range of trading contacts, both N and S of the Humber. This is in stark contrast to the 8th and early 9th century focus, which was apparently aceramic.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mouse Excercise Essay
Brief: The proposed meeting envisages negotiation between multi parties for setting up an entertainment complex by world’s largest entertainment conglomerate, Mouse Company in Marne-la-Vallee near Paris, France. The National Government recognizes the importance of the project for foreign investment in France and the potential impact on the local economy and wants to move forward with the project. However the local municipalities are worried about the environmental impact the project will have on their local area and the resources need to cope up with expansion of economy. The major issues to be discussed at the proposed meeting include levy of a payroll-based tax, sharing of the tax revenue between four municipalities, levy of annual resource fees on the Mouse Company. Parties: The main parties to the negotiation are Mouse Company and four mayors and SAN has assumed the role of as common representative of all four municipalities. The exercise is expected to develop into two parallel negotiations which may end up to be consolidated at the end of the exercise. Goals: a. The Mouse Company’s goal would be to move forward with the project with minimum business tax and voluntary annual payments. b. The Mayors of Cheesy and Coupvray ‘s goal is to maximize the payroll tax revenue and seek voluntary payments. Instead of sharing their revenue with other municipalities, they would be pushing for voluntary payment by Mouse Company to other municipalities. The Mayors of Bailey and Magny ‘s goal is to seek reasonable share from the revenue earned by Cheesy and Coupvray and also seek voluntary payments from Mouse Company. d. As President of SAN our goal would be find a middle ground to achieve a reasonable resolution between four municipalities and then maximize the payment / tax from Mouse Company Press Release: The proposed project would stimulate the local and national economy of France resulting in millions of people visiting from neighboring states and countries. The press release should clearly reassure the Mouse Company and other international investors that the project would not be adversely impacted by due to internal issues between local municipalities. As president of SAN, we will be working hard to find common ground among four municipalities and work out a deal with the Mouse Company. Business tax: The goal would be to reach an agreement with the Mouse Company to impose a business tax of at least 1% or so in consultation with local communities. Division of Tax Revenue: The goal would be to reach an agreement between four municipalities to share the business tax revenue. As the mayors of Bailly and Magny understands that municipalities of Cheesy and Coupvray would be most impacted, they might be willing to share lower percentage of 10% to 15% each with balance 70% to 80% shared between municipalities of Cheesy and Coupvray. Alternatively, the National Government can impose of a surcharge/tax of 1% to be shared between all four municipalities. Voluntary payment by the Mouse Company to the towns: The Mouse Company should be asked to pay a annual payment of Euro 5 to 7. 5 million to compensate for the impact on environment and resources instead of higher business tax of 1. 5%. The municipalities of Bailey and Magny should get larger share in the voluntary payments.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Communication: The Culture Affect Essay
Communication one of life’s biggest assets yet also one of life’s greatest issues. Everyone uses communication – everyone in every walk of life, in every country, everywhere. There is no way around it. We depend on communication for nearly everything. â€Å"Communication is the vehicle by which meanings are conveyed, identity is composed and reinforced, and feelings are expressed. As we communicate using different cultural habits and meaning systems, both conflict and harmony are possible outcomes of any interaction†(LeBaron, 2003). Proper communication is one of the keys to success. One would think that given its importance, communication would be held in higher regard and more effort would be put forth in communicating correctly. Mary Guffey and Dana Lowey discuss the five key elements of culture in their book, Essentials of Business Communication, to help improve our understanding of cultural communication. Those five elements are as follows: context, individualism, formality, communication style, and time orientation. Guffey and Lowey say that â€Å"context is one the most important cultural dimensions, yet it is among the most difficult to define†. In one idea, context can be considered to be the environment from which one’s perceptions are attained. There are both low-context cultures, like the US and high-context cultures, like Asia. Low-context cultures tend to be more direct, and think everything needs to be explained. They do not mind confrontation or making demands. They rely on facts, data, and logic. They are more relaxed about power and wealth, but do value competence regardless of job or position. They take words at face value. High-context cultures value group decisions and rely on relationships ore than data. They avoid confrontation and emotion in business transactions. They value position and status over competency. They may not take words literally. (Guffey & Loewy, 2010) It is easy to see why context is important to our communication. If these differences were understood or at the very least known about before communication begins, misunderstandings and offenses can be avoided. â€Å"An attitude of independence and freedom from control characterizes individualism†(Guffey & Loewy, 2010). Low-context cultures, such as Americans, generally value individualism, while high-context cultures tend to be more collectivist. Individualism represents independence, self-assertion, initiative, competence, and personal achievement. Collectivism represents a more group-oriented mindset. Their identity is found in the group, rather than themselves as an individual. Then you have some cultures that cannot be characterized as either individual or group oriented primarily. (Guffey & Loewy, 2010) When communicating to these different groups, it is important to highlight the ideals that they value. Formality is another element. Some cultures hold tradition, ceremony, and social rules in high regard, while others do not. Americans, generally informal, can be quite offensive to more formal cultures. For example, Americans are friendly to most and develop friendships easily. We share information and are â€Å"comfortable†with authorities (teachers, bosses, etc. ) in our lives. We also address people by their first names, something that is not done by formal cultures. Titles are heavily used in formal cultures and names are reserved for only close friends and family. The Western, informal, culture is more relaxed about social status and position of power. Formal cultures hold authority figures in very high regard. In Egypt, Turkey, and Japan students stand when their teacher enters the room and bows to them when they pass them on the street. (Samovar, Porter & McDaniel, 2010) So again, when communicating with a group or culture that is different from you, especially communication from an informal culture to a formal culture, it is vital to know the culture and mold your communication appropriately. Communication style is another important element that cultures approach differently. For example, â€Å"to Americans and Germans, words are very important, especially in contracts and negations. People in high-context cultures, on the other hand, place more emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation†(Guffey & Loewy, 2010). Americans approach contrast as final, Japanese approach contracts as intentional but changing, and Mexicans approach contracts as ideals in a perfect world. Americans are straightforward in communication and are somewhat distrusting of individuals who are not for full disclosure. Americans like to work through negotiations quickly. The Japanese, or high-context culture, tend to drag out negotiations because they have realized others cultures concede over time. They are often quite and meticulous in negotiations. Realizing the differences in communication styles will be of tremendous asset to one’s business dealings. The fifth element that separates cultures is time orientation. Americans view time as an important commodity. They value productivity and efficiency. They see time as money. They, as a general rule, do not keep people waiting for business meetings. For one, that would not be a good business practice and two, that would be exceptionally rude. While this is true for American cultures, there are many other cultures that do not look at time the same way at all. Hispanic or Caribbean cultures have a far more relaxed view of time. They, generally, are not in a hurry. According to Guffey and Lowey, †the perception of time and how it is used are culturally learned†. Having an understanding of how a culture uses their time becomes important as you begin to have dealings with them. Each culture has its view on these different elements; each culture communicates differently, each culture values differently, and so on. It is important to realize these differences and learn to adapt to the culture in which you are currently dealing. Adapting to a particular culture could possibly be there difference in making or breaking a deal. Life, as a whole, is about compromise and balance. Communication is simply another element of compromise. As stated earlier, communication can be one of life’s biggest assets or one of life’s greatest issues. Words and actions must be chosen wisely to communicate effectively.
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